Nick Bicknell's Reviews > Pretties

Pretties by Scott Westerfeld
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's review

it was amazing

I'd have to say that this book was even better than Uglies. It took everything I loved about that book and expanded upon it. The new characters introduced didn't really feel like "stock" characters either, they all had their own personalities, and I grew to like each one of them.

In this book, Tally and her new sort-of-boyfriend Zane decide early on in the book that they're not content to live as pretties after Tally receives a letter from her ugly self explaining the new cure to the brain lesions discovered in the first novel.

The rest of the novel plays out in a similar way to the first, but with tons of new revelations and quite a few action-packed scenes. Somehow the book manages to be both more plot-heavy and more action-packed than Westerfeld's previous effort, much to my enjoyment.

If you liked Uglies, there really shouldn't be anything you don't like about Pretties. Sure, the plot might go places you don't really like, or expect, but that's life, isn't it?

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Reading Progress

February 20, 2012 – Started Reading
February 20, 2012 – Shelved
February 23, 2012 – Finished Reading

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