Front cover image for Programming in Martin-Löf's type theory : an introduction Bang Nordström, Kent Petersson and Jan M. Smith

Programming in Martin-Löf's type theory : an introduction Bang Nordström, Kent Petersson and Jan M. Smith

Martin-Lof's type theory is a formalism for program construction which expresses both specifications and programs within the same formalism. This book is an introduction to type theory as a theory for program construction.
Print Book, English, 1990
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1990
X, 221 p. ; 24 cm.
9780198538141, 0198538146
Part 1 Polymorphic sets: the semantics of the judgement forms; general rules; enumeration sets; Cartesian product of a family of sets; equality sets; natural numbers; lists; cartesian product of two sets; disjoint union of two sets; disjoint union of a family of sets; the set of small sets (the first universe); well-orderings; general trees. Part 2 Subsets: subsets in the basic set theory; the subset theory. Part 3 Monomorphic sets: types defining sets in terms of types. Part 4 Examples: some small examples; program derivation; specification of abstract data types.