Viola Baldwin's Reviews > The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
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really liked it

I liked the message to be more aware of the present moment and some points he made were logical and actually made sense rationally (for example the illusion of past and future).
I also liked the question-answer form the book was written in, because often, while reading, some questions came up for me, which actually were asked later on.
Sadly most of the questions were not really answered. The answer was (to almost all of the questions) a repetition of everything that was said in the very first chapters, and didn't really address the actual specific conflict that the question was referring to.
Overall I found the book very repetitive, you could have given the same information in a compressed form of 50 pages I guess. Therefore it was very hard to read for me. Also, I doubt that his philosophy is really applicable in every day life, for several reasons. Some of them he even addressed in his book, but, to fit in into his repetitive style: He didn't really answer them to my satisfaction and always held his answers very vague.

+++ Update +++

I had to give the book 4 stars, as it has been years since I have read it, and the essential point it is making still sticks with me, despite my criticism. I decided that this deserves an up-rating!!
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December 30, 2014 – Shelved

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