Brendan's Reviews > The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
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did not like it

The first 100 pages are somewhat useful, though Tolle must have graduated from the Rand school of literature, he winds up repeating the same message every single page in the most condescending ways possible.

The 100 page mark is where things really start to go off the rails. Suddenly Tolle turns into a doomsday prophet on a street corner shouting about how we need to be more Christ-like.

No, Really.

Little-to-no "Jesus talk" prior, and then post page 100 it's all about becoming Christ-like and "what is a sin", and so on.

He goes as far to say that modern society is crumbling and that modern art is garbage. So much for "being present, being content" and "not being negative."

The concept of "living in the now" is a great one, but this man is a psychopath and this book is terrible. Tolle would probably call me out for being negative, because he comes across as a sociopath with a messiah complex.
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message 1: by Dan (new)

Dan Drew Lol wow I literally read this as I was on page 99 and yup after 100 things definitely change and I didn't find it as useful. Thanks for the review!

Varshil Changani Loll

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