Sue's Reviews > The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
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I first read about "The Power of Now" through "10 Percent Happier." Dan credits it as the book that started him on his journey toward meditation and Buddhism. He also says that Buddhism tends to make more sense than Eckhart Tolle, and in that I would agree. Tolle is very wordy and very esoteric in his writing. The book is challenging to get through without giving it your whole attention, and it tends to be repetitive. However, I found that the repetition worked in a way because it really hammered his points home. Tolle teaches "The Power of Now," or of living in the present moment without worrying about past or future, in a nutshell. He teaches that we are more than our thinking mind-- we are a spiritual being, that is connected to all other living beings. Our thinking mind, or "ego," distracts us from this truth and causes a lot of suffering. When we surrender to the present moment, or what is, without fighting or judging or labeling, we find peace. When we no longer identify with our mind, we find peace. Sounds a lot like Buddhism, right? Yeah, he does incorporate a lot of Buddhist teachings into the text. But I enjoyed the original spin on things. The text is life changing, but only four stars because the readability is lacking.
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Reading Progress

August 4, 2015 – Started Reading
August 4, 2015 – Shelved
September 18, 2015 – Shelved as: ebook
September 18, 2015 – Finished Reading

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