Susie's Reviews > The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
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it was ok
bookshelves: fiftyfiftyme

This book came highly recommended on a blog I read, and it was recommended alongside another book in the same vein that I read and loved - so I thought, "Why not?"

And here's why not:

Although the book has a handful of insights and important concepts overall (which you could probably pick up from ANY book about meditation - you know, things about going through life consciously rather than unconsciously, aware of emotions and separate from judgement, accepting of the present rather than dwelling in the past or future) this book is written in the most circuitous, repetitive and bland way possible, using made up buzz words that barely make sense ("pain body", "psychological time", "unmanifested") and the author frequently comes across as short-tempered, pompous and condescending, ie "I already told you that!"

As the book instructs you to make the use of time you spend waiting (in line, in traffic, etc) to become fully present and aware of yourself, your body and your surroundings as a type of mini-meditation, it also instructs you to be an annoying ass:

P.87: "Next time somebody says, 'Sorry to have kept you waiting,' you can reply, 'That's all right, I wasn't waiting. I was just standing here enjoying myself - in joy in myself."

This book is also peppered with Bible quotes throughout for some reason, and an extensive intro about how much Oprah loves this guy so you should, too.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
March 26, 2012 – Finished Reading
March 27, 2012 – Shelved
March 27, 2012 – Shelved as: fiftyfiftyme

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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message 1: by MariNaomi (new)

MariNaomi This review is hilarious! Thanks for making me giggle first thing in the morning. :)

Lilly This is the best, most accurate review! I way overrated this one btw

message 3: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine Someone just recommended this book to me, too. Didn't look like my cup o tea, and you pretty much confirmed that with your review. xoxo

message 4: by Elie (new) - rated it 1 star

Elie Lebbos Agreed...

Majd i liked ur last point about oprah

message 6: by Matteo (new)

Matteo Ravà What was the other book advised in the blog that you actually enjoy?

message 7: by Netlin (new)

Netlin There is another book on similar topic. Book name is: "A Timeline of Wandering Thoughts" by Shakeel Ahmed Shah. I request you to read preview of that book on Amazon kdp and review.20

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