Erin's Reviews > The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
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it was amazing
bookshelves: new-earth-healing-arts

This book IS a spiritual experience, there is no other way to describe it. The author states that the words vibrate at a higher frequency and I believe that is undoubtedly true. During and after reading this book well into the middle of the night after not being able to put it down, I wound up in a state of presence for the better part of a couple hours. Laying there in a pitch black room, just being, experiencing the razor-edge of NOW, and that state being "enough," or all that is needed, was a remarkable experience - counter to what one could imagine (in the typical state of mind). It was almost as if I had "forgotten" how to sleep. The words just led me there - I just "wound up" in such a state, with no effort.
The concept that "I am not my mind" has been one of the most liberating ideas I've heard, as I frequently ponder existential questions and usually making very slow progress in forming answers that make sense to me. This concept allowed me a giant leap forward.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
September 26, 2012 – Finished Reading
October 31, 2012 – Shelved
December 1, 2015 – Shelved as: new-earth-healing-arts

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