Melissa's Reviews > The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
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it was ok
bookshelves: currently-reading

I... just...can't... This is written at a 3rd grade reading level (if that) and the question and answer set up is not readily apparent. It's horrible and sloppy. It's like some drunken mind drivel, much like this review, excepting I'm not drunk. Well, there are truths in here, but they are so poorly communicated in the most ineloquent fashion but yet, the overly-simplistic writing style is horrifyingly addictive. In the back of my head, my main thought is, "Adults read this? Really? Adults read this? This crap got published? This guy made millions? Why aren't I writing fluff ass books like this? What's stopping me? Why am I reading this?" I want to dispassionately throw the book aside, but I keep turning to the next page. Why?
It was a Christmas gift last year. I doubt I will ever get through it. Who knows?
Also, being present in the moment is great, but sometimes you are in a situation from which you cannot walk away, which you cannot change, and which you absolutely cannot morally accept or tolerate on any level. Say you were an SS Officer, so you're just supposed to get yourself killed because you're doing something which is not right in your soul and decide to walk away? It's not where you want to be? You just have faith that it's all in God's plan and maybe you'll become a martyr and will inspire an end to the violent, dark, evil, hateful insanity because you let yourself be slaughtered for removing yourself from an impossible situation? Sounds pretty selfish and foolish to me. Maybe a little ego-driven even. Fuck no you don't walk out or try to change it. You sure don't accept it. You stick around and suffer in your enslavement. You own it, but you do not accept. You do not even surrender. You stick it out and see if you can possibly help just one family escape without getting caught. In your terrifying moments of sickening present that you cannot change, cannot leave, cannot accept, you pray and begin laying the foundation for a better future in your thoughts NOW. In order to keep from going completely mad, you must project yourself somewhere else. Maybe the future is the easiest place to go in your mind. There is nothing wrong with that. It's okay. It's normal. The way ENLIGHTENMENT is portrayed in these pages, I'm not sure I'd want it. Question... everything... always.
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Reading Progress

November 19, 2012 – Started Reading
November 19, 2012 – Shelved
January 8, 2013 –
page 131

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Mitch Thornell The wise are simple in their ways.

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