Ivan's Reviews > The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
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Reading books on spirituality is a contradictory experience for me. Although, this one brought nothing new to the table, still it delivered a reminder of a valuable instruments:
* observing situation(body, emotions, thoughts) without judging it
* separating 'pattern-learning machine' mind part from an artistic one
* an idea that we're all are connected in some greater level
* dropping past history and future expectations thus gaining an identity in a thing you have control about: now

As a result, I've stopped investing too much energy into pointless argument with myself on why something is right or wrong and now enjoy more with the stuff :)

Having the book in Q&A form is an interesting move to sale point to an objecting person from one side, from the other, it gave me an impression of better contact with author, as major part of the questions were asked by me.

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Reading Progress

August 22, 2013 – Started Reading
August 22, 2013 – Shelved
September 6, 2013 –
93.0% "If you continue to judge stuff negatively, than most probably there's belief inside you saying that this behavior will win you something."
September 8, 2013 – Finished Reading

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Ivan I've had a nice discussion of death with a woman in a train and leaving her there in 10 mins I've felt like I would not care about how long my life was. At the moment of dying I'll have only that moment of dying. So is life. I only have the now. Priceless.

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