Happymiss's Reviews > The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
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did not like it
bookshelves: not-my-flavour

I cannot finish this book. I have picked it up and put it down for years. I am not buying what he's selling. Currently studying Buddhism so it's not the ideas I'm rejecting, it's Tolle. From the first time I picked up this book (long before I even knew what Buddhism was) something about his voice seemed insincere, almost like he's trying to convince you of what he's saying; "I have no use for the past..." Used in the first chapter as a pull, I'm guessing because almost on cue, he still goes into the big story about how he was at such a low point in his life that enlightenment just hit him! Come on, now. This book has a great premise (live in the moment) but the authors tone is condescending and the text, contrived.
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Reading Progress

September 8, 2013 – Started Reading
September 8, 2013 – Shelved
November 4, 2013 – Shelved as: not-my-flavour
January 2, 2014 – Finished Reading

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